
The following outlines installation of dRest. It is recommended to work out of a VirtualENV for development, which is reference throughout this documentation. VirtualENV is easily installed on most platforms either with ‘easy_install’ or ‘pip’ or via your OS distributions packaging system (yum, apt, brew, etc).

Creating a Virtual Environment

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/env/drest/

$ source ~/env/drest/bin/activate

When installing drest, ensure that your development environment is active by sourcing the activate script (as seen above).

Installing Development Version From Git

(drest) $ git clone git://

(drest) $ cd src/drest/

(drest) $ python install

To run tests, do the following from the ‘root’ directory:

(drest) $ pip install nose

(drest) $ python nosetests

Installing Stable Versions From PyPi

(drest) $ pip install drest

Running Unit Tests

Unit tests should be run to ensure dRest is completely functional on your system:

(drest) $ ./utils/

For Python 3 testing, you will need to run ‘drest.mockapi’ manually via a seperate virtualenv setup for Python 2.6+ (in a separate terminal), and then run the test suite with the option ‘–without-mockapi’:

Terminal 1:

$ virtualenv-2.7 ~/env/drest-py27/

$ source ~/env/drest-py27/bin/activate

(drest-py27) $ cd src/drest.mockapi/mockapi

(drest-py27) $ python testserver

Terminal 2:

$ virtualenv-3.2 ~/env/drest-py32/

$ source ~/env/drest-py32/bin/activate

(drest-py32) $ ./utils/ --without-mockapi